Code4Lib New York State

Landing Page for the Code4Lib NYS Community GitHub Organization

Site for the upcoming Code4Lib NYS 2016 Event in Ithaca

View the Code4Lib NYS GitHub Profile

Welcome to the Code4Lib New York State Landing Page

We are using currently to support a transparent and community-sourced/supported website for the upcoming Code4Lib NYS 2016 Unconference in Ithaca. Read more about this event at that site. You can also visit the GitHub repository for that site at this link.

If you'd like to help with the 2016 Code4Lib NYS event, or use this GitHub organization/Pages space for another Code4Lib NYS event, please create an issue on this repository requesting that you are added to the Code4Lib NYS GitHub Organization.

Additionally, you can keep up-to-date with the Code4Lib NYS group by joining the Code4Lib NYS Google Group.
